Am I on the right way?
Broadway & Gradnview, Boulder, Colorado.
These days, I'm asking this question to myself more frequently than ever....
Life under Flatiron....mostly tired in my research of saving the world
Broadway & Gradnview, Boulder, Colorado.
These days, I'm asking this question to myself more frequently than ever....
Downtown Denver, Colorado.
He is a symbol of fresh and good start of the day, isn't he? least in the commercial...
New BurgerKing design...
After a squash game, I had a Chicken Whopper....oh, boy. I think I took more calories that I burned.
I took this shot because I like their new design. I have no idea when they changed it but I saw this today for the first time.
Arapahoe, Boulder, Colorado.
Taken at the parking lot. This should be a totally different ride from the one at the fair.
Downtown Denver, Colorado.
One of the picture taken at the 'Taste of Colorado' fair.